Wearable Art moves to Mexico!

Dear Wearable Art friends
Things often change more quickly or more slowly than we are ready for. During the past year I have accompanied many wonderful women on creative jewellery journeys, made many unique miniature landscapes and explored new technical avenues.

But now it’s time for a change.

Exciting times
In early 2018 I will arrive in my new home in Mexico. San Miguel de Allende to be more specific! It’s an artists’ town and I can’t wait to begin exploring. Time to immerse myself in a new world!

While an intercontinental move is a massive change in one’s life, it’s a change that I am very positive and excited about. Mexico is a colorful and culturally rich country; full of promise and mystery.

Already I look forward to discovering new sources of inspiration, exploring a beautiful natural world and connecting with amazing people. With so many amazing artists, past and present, it is bound to be a significant time of creative growth for me.

You’ll find blogs and news on my adventure here on my website. Keep coming back to read them and share my experience.

A word of Thanks
Especially important are the people that supported me during my time in Europe. Some more active (my beautiful customers, my technical and emotional supporters), while others stayed in the background more often. While I hope our strong bond will stay, I realize that some of you may drift away somewhat.

So, to all of you, thank you! Without you I wouldn’t have the energy to do this. Most likely, it wouldn’t be nearly as much fun as it is.

Please stay in touch – this is simply a detour until we meet again.

Categories: News Events

Written by:Admin Backup All posts by the author

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